Haunted Jersey Shore, Beaches, Boardwalks and Lighthouses

Haunted Jersey Shore, Beaches, Boardwalks and Lighthouses

Regular price $21.99 Sale price $12.00 Save $9.99

The wide, sandy beaches, colorful boardwalks and majestic lighthouses of the Jersey Shore share supernatural secrets and unexplainable encounters. In Absecon, the dead pose as guides for a unique after-hours tour of its historic lighthouse. A reformed criminal met the apparition of his victim on Long Beach Island, learning that remorse is eternal. Newly built casinos in Atlantic City have former patrons stopping by for one last goodbye from beyond the grave. A spectral organist haunts and plays the pipe organ of Asbury Park’s Convention Hall. Author Patricia Heyer uncovers the eerie mysteries that shroud many of the Shore’s iconic landmarks.

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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Hands down the best products and customer service! Anything you could need from fishing, bike rentals, gifts, chairs, games ...... on and on. I’ve been shopping here since they opened and now online when I can’t get there and it’s always a treat. Great shopping & great humans!

Jennifer L S.

Shore and More is amazing! I had expressed interest in a Manasquan puzzle awhile back, and they remembered! I was so happy to get an email saying it was available for preorder. I got an email Friday that it shipped; and I had it the next day! I love the personal touch of Shore and More, and will definitely be a repeat customer!

Jennifer D

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